My new (old) fitness regime!

(this blog post was written before the pandemic - Yet another reprieve for my fitness regime but this time I WILL be getting going when it is safe to do so)


I haven’t worked out formally in over 21 years!

There! I said it! I used to know my way around a gym. I actually took a fitness instructors course when I was around 30 and imagined I might make this a major part of my life. I worked out to look good. I worked out for health. I worked out to get my pre-baby body back! I worked out to stay in shape and to keep the jiggle at bay. Then I didn’t . Zip! Nada!

I had my third and last baby later in life (43) and for some reason after that I simply stopped working out. I’ve always been active and don’t have a weight problem but I simply stopped working out in the gym.

Well, I want back in!

Here is my 64 year old body, trying to exhibit strength. Not too bad but I know I need to do more cardio for heart health and to do strength and weight training for bone density and balance. I have some arthritis that prohibits some movements and exercises so I will need to build my workout keeping these things in mind.

I am a new member at our local community centre gym. I know now I am perceived so differently. There has been such a time gap since I last was in workout gear. It’s a tough one to get over as I don’t feel like a different person than I was when I was 30 something but I know outwardly, I present as a senior. An old lady. Eek!

I’ve had an orientation at the gym and familiarized myself with the different cardio machines and the weight training equipment. They have a great selection of machines, some familiar and some a little different. It won’t take long for me to feel comfortable and at home again. The gym was packed with high school students as it was late afternoon when I had my orientation but there were also some people my age and much older. It was a good mix.

I admit, I was nervous. I can say it is unbelievable to me that it has been over 21 years since I stepped foot in a work out gym. It didn’t seem all that different and actually, compared to where I worked out years ago, (probably known as the FABULOUSLY YOUNG and IMPOSSIBLY FIT gym) there was a broader group of ages represented at my community centre gym, from teenagers to my age group and beyond. I think I chose well by going with a community centre. I am going to document my progress from time to time.

Now let’s get to the real important details here of this workout regime. What to WEAR?????!!!!!! Here is what I chose. I wore it for my orientation and it is going to work beautifully. I have layers and I didn’t feel out of place or overly exposed. The camouflage leggings and black top are Lululemon, pale pink hoodie is Anine Bing and shoes are Nike Air.

What are your fitness regimes and tips during this global pandemic and lock down? I’d love to hear in my comments.

Now, to go out and stock up on epsom salts!!

**Stay safe, everyone!